"The Huguenots of South Africa 1688-1988",
Tafelberg Publishers Limited, Cape Town, 1988 (Contributor June 19, 1999 Sonia
Tkachuk van Heerden) in Olivetreegenealogy.com Ships Carrying Huguenots to
South Africa - Ships Passenger List for Huguenot Ship Voorschotten to South
Africa 1687.
Set sail from Delftshaven (belonged to the Chamber of Delft),
Zeeland, Netherlands, December 31, 1687.
Flyboat with 3 masts and a rounded
hull, 130 Dutch feet long - capable of carrying 150 people, captain Fs.
Vellerius (Valerius) April 13, 1688 arrived at Saldanha Bay, transferred to
ship Jupiter and April 26, 1688 arrived at Table Bay with 192 people:
Anne Souchay
Charles Marais from Plessis, France -
Catharina Taboureux Marais
Claude Marais - 24
Charles Marais - 19
Isaac Marais - 10
Marie Marais - 6
Philippe Fouche
Anne Fouche
Anne Fouche - 6
Esther Fouche - 5
Jacques Fouche - 3
Marguerite Basche Bruere - 23
Estienne Bruere, wagon-builder - 23
Jacques Pinard - 23 - carpenter
Esther Fouche Pinard - 21
Pierre Sabatie, from Marriere - 23
Jean Leroux - 21
Gideon Malherbe - 25
Marie Grillon Malherbe
Jean Paste - 25
Paul Godefroy - 22
Gasper Flouche - 21
Gabriel Le Roux - 17
On another page of the same website the following names are
Charles Marais (abt 1640-1689) and Catherine Taboureux (abt
Claude Marais (1662-aft.1729)
Charles Marais (1668-1711)
Isaac Marais (1677-?)
Maarie-Madeleine Marais (1682-1716)
Philippe Foucher (abt 1657-1708) and Anne Souchay (abt
1659-aft 1708)
Anne Foucher (1681-1713)
Esther Foucher (1683-1689)
Jacques Foucher (1685-1689)
Marguerite Basche (1665-1688)
Estienne Bruère (1665-aft 1722)
Jacques Pinard (1665-1712) and Esther Foucher (1666-1697)
Pierre Sabatier (1665-?)
Jean le Roux (1667-1711)
Gédéon Malherbe (1663-1713)
Jean Machepaste (1662-1689)
Paul Godefroy (1665-1699)
Gaspard Foucher (1667-1688)
Gabrièl le Roux (1669-1711)
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